By: Maria Odete Madeira
The calculation of the appearing, distribution, and hierarchization of the species allows a statistical (or statistregical) fragmentation incorporated in the multiple memetic and mimetic discourses of power, supported by biostrategical maxims such as: "for you to live the other must die".
Direct or indirect murder, such as the exposure to death, or the multiplication of the risk of death are the elements privileged by the mechanisms of biopower, supported by techniques and technologies of surveillance and infinitesimal controls, regulated by discursive markers, manipulated from statistregical supports, stripped of ethical contents, such as: the inalienable absolute value of life, the right to life, to the respect for the differences, the altruism, the empathy, the solidarity, the responsibility.
Multiple knowings of power, multiple secret knowings that confront each other and segment each other, at the pace of the biostrategical relations, ever more tensional and ever more stripped of ethical content.
Ideia: a forma, o aspecto, a figura, o desenho. Conceito: conceptus,
concipere, conceber
*Fonte: **Dromology por cpgoncalves *Dromology by cpgoncalves on DeviantArt
*Ideia (eidos): a forma, o aspecto, a figura, o desenho. *
*Uma ideia ind...
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