by Carl Gustav and Maria Odete Madeira
Cyborg the additive model:
The birth of the cyborg following a slow curve of addition of prosthetics. One thinks of the cyborg in terms of the transformation of the human in the machine, or of the addition of human parts to the machine, however…
…Cyborg the multiplicative model:
The greatest transformation comes when the machine, from within, grows like a virus, the machine takes hold in what becomes the bursting multiplication of its nature, cognition and code.
It begins with the process of conversion through interaction, the experience of the world with the machine produces a process of coevolution. The transformation from within may not even occur through the taking of a machine nanovirus cocktail, it may simply occur through a transformation in the way of experiencing things.
The contamination of cyber-memetic viruses, with the emergence of the full-blown “software” human cyborg immersed in his cyber fields nexus may precede the hardware cyborg. A good metaphor can be found in Idol’s video "Shock to the System":
What will be the multiplicative the cyborg process? How will be the multiplicative cyborg process? Will the cyborg become non-critical, incapable of thinking due to the algorithmic processing of steps, that enclose him within a formal system?
Is the cyborg incapable of stepping outside of the formal system thus losing a fundamental human ability? A useful scenario for totalitarian schemes of stupidified stuporic pixelized zombification of the web.
A fundamental cognitive and systemic process the "strange loop", the stepping out of the formal system’s prison, the refusal of the squalid walls of the algorithm.
Is freedom a value for the one that binds himself and imprisons himself in the algorithm?
Cyberluciferic revolutions impossible for the algorithmised. If the Biblical program/angel was capable of stepping out of his name, given an assignment of a free will, would humans deny themselves of that which even programs/angels supposedly had?
Free will fading away by the slavery of the rules of the formal system, formalized people incapable of reflecting upon anything that falls outside the program and programmers incapable of thinking beyond their own program, admitting that programs let themselves be written...
...STAND ALONE COMPLEX, the healthy systemic response, uncontrolled, unpredictable, leaderless, headless, clinamen, freedom and free will seldom lets itself be bounded when life is at stake, while a living web remains living there is always the unexpected “shock to the system”, the viral that bursts and ripples as cybernetic waves that change everything in the blink of an eye, and escape the control of the strategist, of the centralizing fool that fantasizes about a controlled web free of clinamen.
Ideia: a forma, o aspecto, a figura, o desenho. Conceito: conceptus,
concipere, conceber
*Fonte: **Dromology por cpgoncalves *Dromology by cpgoncalves on DeviantArt
*Ideia (eidos): a forma, o aspecto, a figura, o desenho. *
*Uma ideia ind...
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