by Maria Odete Madeira
In the domain of the poem, the language and the discourse intermix, the truth becomes a principle of justice, in a tensional equilibrium between the linguistic form and the metric form.
Emptied of the linguistic and metric constraints, the referential function is exercised in the singularity of the relation of the poem with the living experience of the poet, linked to the emotion displaced and incorporated in the creation. In a pre-reflexive and ante-predicative singular relation, rooted in the rotative situational flux of the trajectivity of the object in the world, the poem comes to the presence.
Ideia: a forma, o aspecto, a figura, o desenho. Conceito: conceptus,
concipere, conceber
*Fonte: **Dromology por cpgoncalves *Dromology by cpgoncalves on DeviantArt
*Ideia (eidos): a forma, o aspecto, a figura, o desenho. *
*Uma ideia ind...
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