sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009


Auto-referência é a capacidade que um sistema tem de se dirigir a si mesmo, em si mesmo, enquanto posição de si mesmo.

"The mathematical theory of categories (category theory) thinks the mathematical

object as an individuated system, thus, in a relation of motion from itself to

itself, in itself (coincidentia, cum+incidere), which defines the object ’s identity."

"(...)origin and target , it points towards itself and it is pointed at by itself, in its identity, the end and the beginning coincide, in the same object , and, in this sense, one is before a self-reference."

"Now, once we consider the number 1, as such, we must also consider it in its

permanent rotative coincidence with itself, in itself. The number 1, as such, is,

indeed, in a permanent rotative coincidence with itself, in itself, otherwise the

number 1 would lose its integrity. This is the same for any other number. It

becomes pertinent, here, to recover the primitive philosophical notion of eternity,

disambiguated from the various historically coupled religious senses.

Eternity (aeviternitas, aeternitas) has the original and originating meaning of

absolute permanence with itself that each thing, considered as an existent and

totally present in each moment, has, be this thing an abstract or concrete entity."