...what entanglement(!) ...is the electromagnetic field of each one, is the electromagnetic field of our EarthHome, are the electromagnetic fields of each of the other PlanetHomes, the electromagnetic fields of the stars,..., of the Cosmos…
Imagine that: if, in the patchwork of intersective electromagnetic resonance, happened something like the centipede problem: “Pray tell which leg comes after which?”
In truth, one may suspect, at this moment, in the HumanEarth, something like that may be taking place...
In some PresentDays, of, perhaps, more inspired pessimism, one may be frightened with the dynamics of survival, which may lead one to question: are we black holes?!
Of course, one may immediately become optimistic: it’s all there! No missing parts! One single organism, without loss of integrity, no schizophrenia problem: only a survival-concerned/stressed organism, preoccupied with its enacted BlackHoleness!