sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010
,...to see in the verb the root of the verb...,
domingo, 5 de dezembro de 2010
,...vides illam rem (?)...,
...the birth within a Catholic family, with the consequent growth and development, rooted in Christian practices, followed by later negation of the faith, and adhesion to the “schools”/“ideologies”: Marxist; Leninist; Maoist, in the theoretical/practical approaches, actively lived against a right-wing dictatorship, with all its fascist propaganda and repression…, followed by a, later, critical return to the Christian matrix, may give a human animal a good cognitive training in distinguishing the wolves from their disguises...,
sábado, 4 de dezembro de 2010
"Leaderships" and "New World Orders"...,
A brief comment to:
Why global leadership? Who's the leader? Why a leader, and not cooperation? Why would a global democracy need a leader, or leadership?
Why not a cooperative participative global governance (co)structure, without a leader, or leaders?
At a national(ist) scale, extreme examples of discourses of "leaders of the people" we had the Nazism, Maoism and Stalinism...
Why open the venue to a "leader-centric globalist discourse" that top-downs the hierarchy down to the lower mindless bots, alienated desiring machines that obey the global leader?
Living systems are self-organizing, autopoietic, they do not need a global leadership, the system knows very well what it needs, and knows how to make emerge the best adaptive responses.
Top-down schemes lose perspective and are strange to the systemic bottom-up self-organization that is natural of every living system.
A top-down leadership scheme invites a zero-sum strategic reasoning in the game between the leader and the populace.
The "invisible hand" of life always rejected illuminated leader-based globalisms. What legitimacy does a leader-based global dictatorship have to think and decide for the rest of the world?
The world does not need a leader, leaders, or leaderships, the world needs adaptive, responsive, structures that regard the needs of everyone, that is, every living entity, not just humans. The world is not just the humans, the humans are just another example of an animal species, and not a very successful one at intelligent responses.
If one still thinks in the leader-based paradigm, one has clearly lost the evolutionary train. But who said that we need to remain here as long as the dinosaurs did?
domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010
It’s a shame that Mandelbrot has died so soon, there remains a lot to be said about fractals...
...beyond the pragmatic operationality of the effects are the causes linked to the identity, projectivity and systemic integrity: zero/potentiality/rugosity: the systemic flux that folds onto itself: “AionFlux” to “Kairon”…,…
I don't know if the word fractal is a good term...; since a system's fractality is just an effect of a system's projectivity, related to its integrity and permanence...
terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010
Day of the Portuguese Republic
Blahh... this is all "crap"!
We should have remained SingleCelled organisms, there, at least, we could dance at the rhythm of the garbage, at least there would remain something like a dance and some HopePotency left to actualize, perhaps some sort of hope of being something else than precarious and obtuse foul smelling animals. I confess to feel some envy of the amoebas…
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010
When Ray Kurzweil states that the singularity is near...
The names and the things, of which the names are the names, form a living web in which the "logos mundi" circulates. A thing ("res"), each thing, is an individuated entity that can be signalized by a name that, necessarily, maintains with the thing a relation of "truth". In the cases in which that is not the case, then, the name, that is said of the thing, is not the case that it is.
Singularity is a name for that which is unique and, thus, systemically irrepeatable. A singularity does not make itself announced by someone (not even by a "Sentient Prophet"). A singularity announces itself. A concrete example of a singularity is an event ("eventus") and an event is that which suddenly irrupts in the systems, from a systemic nonlocality that determines the character of irreducibility that the system, in its whole, computes as unique, unconfoundable and irrepeatable.
When Ray Kurzweil states that the singularity is near, of what is he talking about? Has some kaleidoscopic Laplacian "daimon" whispered something in his ear? What does Ray Kurzweil know that we, the populace that sustains and maintains "The World System", do not? Or is it all a matter of market and marketing towards "desiring machines"?
sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010
...on aleatorial...,
That which introduces a systemic discontinuity is, comfortably, called aleatorial. Aleatorial is that which is not in conformity with the rules of the day-to-day human life big book (a bestseller). An event belongs to the category of the aleatorial.
When our tools fail in capturing the causality behind a complex web, the aleatorial serves well as an excuse to make us feel in control and on top of things, despite the probability being signaling that “there’s something here, you just don’t get it or do not want to”.
segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2010
All risk is systemic
All risk is systemic. The risk of the others, of all the others, is also our risk, as synthesis of a systemic causality, determined by a reciprocity, of which we cannot exclude ourselves, as irreducible presences and openings to the world of all the things.
To evaluate risk is not a matter of observer/observed, no one is outside the system, not even God(s), if there is one (or many) it is still part of the system, and the risk of the world is also the risk of some God(s), if that(those) God(s) exists… though a God(s) is unnecessary... the enactive systemic autopoiesis is more effective than any God(s), “me thinks”.
segunda-feira, 12 de julho de 2010
Logos' Vibration...
To be or not to be "anti gravity"? #Antigravity ?
quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010
...thus is Nietzsche..., thus was Nietzsche…
Creator of his own “power”, as source and principle of all the values, thus is Nietzsche’s Übermensch and thus was Nietzsche…
…For Nietzsche, who, throughout history, was so many times misinterpreted and manipulated, it was not about exercising “power” over the others, but of the exercise of his own “power”, as “power to be” and “power of being” in the existence, through an individual will, capable of self-determination, according to the means and the ends, “enacted” from his own internal force and dynamism, displaced by the individuated resonating rhythms of himself, as presence in the flux of all the things in the becoming of themselves.
quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2010
...“Infinite” is a category of the human language...
“Infinite” is a category of the human language to designate that which, though ontologically perceptioned, is not possible for us, humans, to schematize. The “infinite” signalizes our verbalizable cognitive limit.
terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2010
...there are no more innocent gazes...
Sensus non est inferendus, sed efferendus. Thoughts, feelings, experiences and devices intermix and contaminate each other in the reflexive webs.
There are no more innocent gazes, there are contaminated, affected and infected gazes, folded by echoes of permanently reiterated resonances, projected in images that cross, intercross, fold and unfold.
Innocence became a place of passage, a place of exchanges. Sommes-nous des innocents, nous aussi?! Are we situs hybris without topos? Bodies without organs? Strange loop!
segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2010
...if we want to know...
The things have to be “listened” to, perceptioned, interpreted and understood in their rotative topos. We have to see what is in the things and not what we want or wish to think about them.
The sun has its truth, the stars, and the planets, an ant, a stone, a spider have their own truth that explains them, as such, and that truth does not depend upon us observers. It is their truth and if we interest ourselves, if we want to know, we have to make an effort to synchronize our rotative rhythms with the rotative rhythms of each of them, to make emerge a gravitic point of systemic synchronization in order to listen to them, perceive them, understand them.
sábado, 19 de junho de 2010
...In illo tempore, it was the myth. It was a fluid, fluctuating and volatile time and space, it was a time and a space creators of visual, tactile, acoustic and olphactive spaces and times, conceptually non-schematizable...
...Saudade is a Portuguese term, without translation into other languages, mythically configured by the extreme-western-atlantic. Saudade resends to a place of veiling, situated in the rims of the ebbs, eddies and twirls of the Atlantic.
domingo, 13 de junho de 2010
The fact of myself placed as alterity...
by: maria odete madeira
The fact of myself placed as alterity in relation with myself, in myself, folds in my conscious processes the feelings of justice and responsibility that impose upon me an imperative of justice and responsibility towards myself and everything that is not myself.
domingo, 2 de maio de 2010
All life has to offer you are moments...
By: Maria Odete Madeira
All life has to offer you are moments, there are good moments and there are bad moments. In the end, all that matters is whether or not you've lived up to each moment, good or bad, that life has handed you to live, if you have, then, no matter what, you can say that you've lived a good life, a proper life.
It is said that life is a gift…, I disagree, life is a challenge, a struggle, if you are to keep on running, then you must wear your shoes, and strap them well, so they don't fail you through your paths.
A strong foundation is good, but it is never enough, there is always more that is required of you…, it turns out that "blood, sweat and tears" don't suffice either…, there is the need for that additional spark: the will to live, the courage to endure through the bad and to live through the good.
It is never enough to strap your shoes, you must know how to act, when to collect your gains, when to show your losses for what they are... losses.
Lessons in losses, losses in lessons, everything goes around, and around it goes...
Every circular motion has an end in a path away from freedom: freedom is to escape in kairos into a new rotation, to survive through the meekness to will to power, not the power that humans want for themselves, to keep the unkeepable in the face of decay, but a power to autonomy... to self-reference... to self-determination... to dignity...
quinta-feira, 18 de março de 2010
Erlebnis... Vivência...
Porquê “humanos” e não, apenas, “animais” como todos os outros “viventes”?!
…Na face de Cristo “vivente”: a insistência na “vivência”... a exaustão…
...“Vivência” é o termo português, escolhido para traduzir o vocábulo alemão Erlebnis.
Na “vivência”, o vivente... o mundo... outros viventes coincidem num ponto sistémico, sincronizado num fluxo deslocado por uma dinâmica reticular de imediatez na qual o pensamento de cada vivente acerca do mundo e acerca dos outros viventes, e a experiência desse pensamento se condensam e sublimam numa referência abstracta, cujo sentido de objectividade pode pertinente e legitimamente ser postulado e partilhado por comunidades intersubjectivas interessadas...
segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010
From the hypsos to the pathos...
From the hypsos to the pathos…, between the hypsos and the pathos is the isthmos, the isthmos is the place of connection between two places and two times: aion and chronos; humanity and humans...;...
quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2010
Contra o acordo ortográfico
A língua de um povo, de cada povo, é um sistema autónomo activo estruturante de signos articulados e (inter)relacionados que transcende os actos individuais da fala, localizando-se no fundamento da identidade desse povo, de cada povo, no que diz respeito ao seu pensamento, sentimentos, crenças, cognição, autonomia, arbítrio,…,… .